Join our Board
We are seeking a secretary to join our board for the 2023-2024 school year. For more information, email us at or join us at our next meeting - January 31 at 7 p.m. in the Lilja Library
Honor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with the Natick Service Council
Pilates Fundraiser RESCHEDULED
New date February 11
The Lilja PTO 2023-2024 Board
Rebecca Pineault - President
Shannon O’Brien - Vice President
Jess Murphy - Treasurer
Alison Sullivan - Communication Coordinator
We continue to look for people to help out with some of our awesome events throughout the year (The Lilja Carnival, the Book Fair, Yearbook, etc). These events are much beloved, and have a foundation already in place. All we need is YOU to make it all happen! Even if you can only help in a small way, every little bit counts toward making a memorable experience for our Lilja Lions.
Please reach out to the PTO at for volunteer opportunities or questions!
Want to learn more about the PTO? Have a question or suggestion?
Contact our team at
Visit us online at
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Donate to the PTO
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