Lilja PTO Newsletter (10/23/23)

Attention Lilja Families! PTO meeting this Wednesday - we need your input!

There will be a PTO meeting this Wednesday, October 25 at 7 pm in the Lilja library. This meeting, open to all Lilja parents and guardians, is your opportunity to get involved, meet other families, and have a say in what goes on in our kids’ school. Please join us!


  • Wednesday 10/25: Early Release Day

  • Wednesday 10/25: PTO Meeting 7pm

  • Sunday 10/29: Morning Mischief - 10am-12pm (details below) - Volunteers needed!

  • Wednesday 11/1: Early Release Day

  • Friday 11/10: Observation of Veteran's Day - No School

  • Wednesday 11/15: Early Release Day

  • Wednesday 11/22: Early Release Day

  • Thursday-Friday 11/23-11/24: Thanksgiving - No School

  • Monday 11/27: Natick Innovation and Learning Summit (NILS) - No School

2023-2024 NPS Calendar


The PTO is delighted to welcome more new board members, Shannon O’Brien and Jess Murphy!

Hello Lilja Families! My name is Shannon O’Brien and I’m excited to join the PTO board as Vice President this year.  I’m the mom of 3 Lilja Lions: Dermot in 4th, Finn in 2nd and Grady in K. I’m looking forward to working more behind the scenes to bring some amazing events to our community and to fundraise for our students and teachers. 

Hi! My name is Jess Murphy and I am excited to introduce myself as the Treasurer of the Lilja PTO. I’ve lived in Natick for the past six years with my husband Jeff and our two children, Bennett (Kindergarten at Lilja) and Addison (pre-school). As a first year Lilja family and new PTO member, I’m especially looking forward to developing new relationships within the community & school as well as helping to ensure our teachers & young learners have a wonderful year ahead!

The Lilja PTO 2023-2024 Board

  • Rebecca Pineault - President

  • Shannon O’Brien - Vice President

  • Jess Murphy - Treasurer

  • Alison Sullivan - Communication Coordinator

We continue to look for people to help out with some of our awesome events throughout the year (The Lilja Carnival, the Book Fair, Yearbook, etc). These events are much beloved, and have a foundation already in place. All we need is YOU to make it all happen! Even if you can only help in a small way, every little bit counts toward making a memorable experience for our Lilja Lions.

Please reach out to the PTO at if you have questions or want more information!


We need your help for this event and have three ways to volunteer:


Did you miss ordering last year’s yearbook? Are your kids fighting over the one you bought?

We have a small quantity of 2022-2023 yearbooks still available, they may be purchased at our website:

*Note: 2023-2024 Yearbooks will go on sale later this year!

Want to learn more about the PTO? Have a question or suggestion?
Contact our team at
Visit us online at
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Donate to the PTO

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